Error Code & Meanings

Error Code 101 - The bot you are using commands cannot be found. Please try again later. Cause: The bot data is broken, or is not set up yet.

Error Code 104 - The rank of yours in the server is not enough to use this command. Cause: Your role in the Discord is a low rank, (e.g. verified) so you cannot use it.

Error Code 109 - Unknown reason, please try again later - Cause: Your Discord join date is too low. Please leave the server and rejoin until your join date is 30+ days.

Error Code 204 - Giveaway winner cannot be prized, please reroll. Cause: The error is very legendary to get, but there was an error while giving your prize.

Code 303 - Your message has been sent to an MR+, due to saying a curse word which is not permitted. Cause: You have said a bad word, so your message has been sent to MRs+.

Error Code - 409 - An error occured while trying to rank you. Cause: Very legendary error, a higher up or bot got an error while trying to rank you.

If you have any questions, please make a ticket in our communication server.